Christianity Throughout The Ages
So, I had to write this incredibly long essay for that class I’ve been taking. I’ll come back to what I believe, but it takes sooo long to write them up, and scripturally back them, that I wanted to give you something else to read. This essay is regarding how Christianity has been a help to society throughout the ages.
Christianity Throughout
Since Christ began to proclaim His divinity, His followers have been oppressed and their fruits regarded as an attack on man’s “rights”. Men think that Christianity is an oppressive religion that has held back science and the arts for many years. They see Christianity as a form of control, and they intend to give Christianity a bad name for its supposed control. Most experts agree that Christianity has been a driving force for civilization, yet it was a bad-driving force. This is a great misconception. Man shouldn’t seek the removal of Christianity, for removing Christianity would remove a foundation that has guided man for almost 2000 years. It has guided man in the fine arts, the creation of nations, and in the field of science. The question now is “Where can Christianity’s influence be found in each of these areas?”
The question must be asked, “Where can Christianity’s influence be found in the fine arts?” It is almost impossible to turn anywhere without seeing some kind of influence from the “oppressive Christians”. However Christians have made several HUGE contributions to the field of fine arts. They created beautiful music that is still played in concert halls. There are many beautiful paintings and sculptures that have Christianity’s influence showing through. Last but not least, there is a huge impact in the area of literature, for these “oppressive Christians” wrote many books that have greatly impacted the fine arts.
Music has been greatly influenced by many Christian artists. Some notable Christians, who sought to glorify Christ in their works, include Handel and Bach. George Frideric Handel brought mankind the masterpiece Messiah, which has been revised many times by musicians that influence the field of Classical Music even today. Mozart did an interpretation of Handel’s Messiah, and The London Symphony Orchestra to this day performs it. This symphonic piece was even featured in a movie, which highlights this Christian influenced piece of work. Another great man of the faith, who influenced the musical culture, was Bach. He made important contributions to the musical culture, while never taking the credit for himself. Johan always gave God the credit for his musical talent by placing on his many musical pieces: SDG or: Soli Deo Gloria; that means to God alone I give the praise.
In the area of art, there are several important contributions from Christian artists. There is a focus on nature thanks to Christians. One that is a healthy outlook on nature, it highlights nature in its glory, as a creation of God. An example of this outlook on nature would be Van Eyck’s Adoration of the Lamb. In this painting, there is seen a Lamb on an altar, surrounded by its followers. This is set outdoors with beautiful landscaping as the surrounding backdrop. This, as mentioned earlier shows how nature can be highlighted because God created it, and because He created it, it is beautiful.
Christianity’s influence certainly has reached the area of literature. Dante’s Divine Comedy is one of the most referenced trilogies when it comes to an interpretation of the afterlife, yet his interpretations are tainted by humanism and are theologically off base. However off base Dante’s Hell, Purgatory, and
As if the fine arts weren’t enough to attempt to degrade, many people today try and compare America’s revolution to the others that were going on in Europe in that timeframe. They make the argument that this country was founded upon a revolution, so how was it different from all the others? To some degree they are correct, and to others they are wrong. The answers lie in the influences, and the foundations in each of these revolutions. The American Revolution was Biblically based, and the government that was built in
1215, King John of
These weren’t the only two revolutions that were to happen in
There was one more revolution that was to come. Karl Marx in 1848 published one of the most influential books ever written; the Communist Manisfesto. This was a compilation of the Communist doctrine, which is “the answer to history”. Marx was under the belief that history was looking for some great answer, and in his attempt to answer this great question, his thoughts turned towards communism. Communism calls for a removal of religion, because religion is an illusion created for a better society, and communism is that answer; therefore it is not necessary to have religion any longer. One country adopted this as its basis for government;
So, through Christianity’s Biblical foundation, mankind has achieved many great things in the areas of governments, and fine arts. As mentioned previously there were many governmental revolutions, yet governmental revolutions weren’t the only revolutions; during the same timeframe. The question now turns to if Christianity has plagued science with its “myths and oppressive rules” or has science benefited from a Christian foundation. Here is Christianity’s addition to the scientific revolution.
A strong foundation, as mentioned earlier is a pivotal point in Christianity. It has been a foundation for many generations, and governments, and it has influenced the fruits of man’s labor. Christianity gave mankind a healthy outlook on nature. Because God made nature, and everything in it, mankind has a reason to be in awe, and curious about what makes everything tick. Also, man’s perception of God is pivotal in our scientific foundation. Christian’s perceive God, as a rational thinking being, therefore, because he is a rational God, there is order to everything. God made everything in order, so things will always work a certain way. Christians also believe that God created nature, and that it is a product of his glory, not a product of its own glory. Therefore nature did not create itself. There was a maker, and there is order. This maker, God, has laws that man should follow and not cross. This order brings a scientific foundation that can guide science, and keep science within moral boundaries.
When man removes this Christian foundation from science, science can become man’s enemy. The foundation of morals that were created in a Christian foundation are removed, and the morals that replace it are subject to the whims of society. Since society will forever change their thoughts on life, the moral foundation of science will constantly be changing. Now that science is no longer about studying the universe that God made for man, science becomes a search for meaning. This meaning will ultimately be flawed because of the removal of moral and ethical foundations. So science will then turn its search to discovering nature’s existence and since God has been removed, nature must have created itself. This thought of nature creating itself, removes the unique nature of man. It makes man into an animal, a beast.
There are those who worked under the Biblical foundation of science and their fruits benefit us even today. Three noteworthy scientists’s who took their Christian influences and applied them to their scientific studies include: Copernicus, Galileo, and
Throughout history, there is evidence of a creator at work in the world. Even though there is undeniable evidence of this creator, many men would like to think that a God doesn’t exist. They make excuses, and even try and say that Christianity has been a detrimental plague on man’s cultures throughout time. Yet this is untrue. Without Christianity, many governmental changes, and scientific facts would not have been reached. Many fine arts and talents would have been lost, and society would have greatly missed such beautiful paintings, music, and many thought provoking books. Mankind should stop harassing Christians because of the false statement that “Christianity has been a harm to society” because where would society be without Christianity?
So, who actually read it? If you did, please let me know what you think! Even if it's one word!
that was a long read but enjoyable. i subscribed a while back but it did not send me this post. hmm, see you soon man.
26/5/05 9:23 AM
Wow. Good job, im sure you got a good grade on it. Let us know how it went.
13/7/05 7:57 PM
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