Sucking the marrow out of it all...
The one thing that I have dread and wanted to happen is upon me. The one thing that makes me smile and feel sick to my stomach all at the same time is here. My senior year. This is the last year I will have at the "schools" I go to. The last year I will be a part of my youth group and the last year I will have to be called a high school student
Many times we in society place a certain responsibility or value on titles like Dr. or Mr. All it does is give one a title, it isn't a description of the man's character, not who the true man is. Same with "high school student" and "college student". Many place more responsibility on the college student thinking they are of better character because the have aged to that point. Not true, for it is the high school student that makes the college student.
Which leads me to my point. My high school career if you will. What kind of college student am I making myself? What kind of man am I because and what man will I leave behind? Will I leave behind a mark of things that will pass away or continue on? Where is my compass pointed? Towards my generation, or myself? I know where my heart is, but which way is it striving?
When I leave I want to leave behind a mark that will last. I want to make an impact upon those I met, and I want them to impact me. As Jeff said last Wednesday (ironically I had begun this post that very morning) "suck the marrow out of life." Yes that is quoting Robin William's character in "Dead Poet Society" which I have come to love for so many reasons.
Carpe Diem...
Seize the day...
Look at things with a different perspective...
Strive for greatness...
Walk your own walk...
All are great lessons to be learned. I hope though that I can continue to learn them each day and even in my example lead others to do the same. I hope that I will be remembered. I know that deep down inside every man women and child has a few basic needs. The basic necessities of life i.e. water, food; but a man also needs a purpose and acknowledgement of his existence from his peers, and that he is making a difference. And I pray to God that I'm doing just that.
So enough about me. I can't wait to focus on some of the interesting social political phenomenon going on in the world around me this very era. We are entering a new saga in this journey we call life and I am thrilled, and at times scared, to witness. More about that next post though. For now, I'm off to bed.